An American man from Houston, a Canadian man from Vancouver, and a British man from London were all sitting in a train car with a very hot woman from France/Poland/Glorious Nippon/Finland. Suddenly, the car went through a pitch black tunnel, a loud SLAP was heard, and when the car emerged the American was painfully holding his hand to his cheek.

Immediately, the British man, picking up his newspaper with a smirk, thought "Why, I'll bet that dumb yankee touched that woman's breast, and she slapped him! Typical American, indeed."

The American, pulling out his iPod with a frown, thought "Goddamn, I'll bet that Brit touched that chicks boobs to make her think it was me, and then she slapped me! Typical fuckin Brit!"

The Canadian, looking out the window with a blank expression, thought "Man, I hope there's another tunnel coming up so I can smack that fuckin American again."

Posted ON Wed, April 21, 2021 at 5:00:02 pm MDT    Comments (1)
ok, that was funny!
Posted by: Katherine Gardener-Evans ON Mon, August 22, 2022 at 6:06:19 pm MDT
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