Scumbag Cheaters Screen Shot

Can Anyone tell me what is up with the cheaters in the games?
Sure we know they are a majority of dickless punks that have no respect for themselves or others. We also know that the majority of them would not be able to finish a game, much less actually appreciate what the game is all about if they really did play without their artificial skills.

I think one of the most irritating aspects of having to deal with the cheaters is the absolute silence from the games developers. Are you listening EA? I thought not.

It would be prudent to consider the track record of a games developer, in dealing with cheats, when considering which games to purchase. If that games developer ignores the integrity of their products for a quick and easy buck, you can be sure they will also ignore YOU, when you complain about the rife cheating going on in their game.

Thanks for reading.

Posted by: techweavers ON Tue, February 10, 2009 at 1:17:16 pm MST
Version 5.3
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